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Distribution Coverage

API distributes its products along Coastal Belt covering the three Counties of Guyana. The Coastal Belts covers ninety percent (90 %) the population and the other ten percent (10 %) of services is done through Stockiest, Wholesalers and Sub-distributors.

Coastal Belt: East Coast Demerara, East Bank Demerara, West Coast Demerara, West Bank Demerara East and West Essequibo and Georgetown

Interior Regions: Lethem, Mahdia - serviced through Stockiest and Wholesalers.

West Coast Berbice, East Berbice are serviced through our branch office located at Kilkoy, Berbice


Our Sales Force and Fleet are managed by a Sales Manager and Route Supervisor who are responsible for the day to day functioning of the Sales Representatives and Merchandisers. The Force works with a minimum target of scheduled and unscheduled customers through a Customer’s Management System. The reach of our Sales Force is improving and expanding at a rapid rate that should lead to double digit growth by the end of 2019.

Product information

Bakers Flour

This flour is the finely ground endosperm of the wheat kernel separated from the bran and germ during the milling process. It is made from hard wheats or a combination of hard and soft wheats from which the home baker can make a complete range of satisfactory baked products. Yeast breads, cakes and cookies, pastries and noodles to name a few. This flour is enriched and may be bleached or unbleached.  Enriched flour has iron and B- vitamins (thiamine, niacin and riboflavin) added in amounts equal to or exceeding that in whole wheat flour.

Spring-up Flour (Barbados)

Bread flour, ground from the endosperm of the wheat kernel, is milled primarily for commercial bakers but is now available at most grocers. Although similar to all-purpose flour, it has greater gluten strength and is generally used for yeast breads.

Premyum Canola Oil

Canola Oil is one of the best oils for Heart Health. Made from crushed canola seeds it has less Saturated Fat than any other commonly used edible oils. Premyum Canola Oil has 7% Saturated Fat compared to Sun¬flower Oil 9%, Corn Oil 13% and 14% for Olive Oil. Lower Saturated Fat levels will lower your cholesterol. Consumption of Canola Oil reduces the risk of heart-related and other diseases. Premyum Canola Oil contains both Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which makes it one of the healthiest cooking oils available.

Angel Parboiled Rice

This rice, also called converted rice, is incredibly nutrient-dense. During processing, our supplier would soak and steam the rice kernels under intense pressure. Many of the nutrients from the rigid outer hull go right in to the inner part of the kernel, and the hull falls off. The end result is quality parboiled rice, packed with plenty of vitamins and minerals and is very low on the glycemic index.

Premyum All Purpose Flour

All-Purpose Flour is the finely ground endosperm of the wheat kernel separated from the bran and germ during the milling process. All-Purpose Flour is made from hard wheat or a combination of hard and soft wheat from which the home baker can make a complete range of satisfactory baked products. Yeast breads, cakes and cookies, roti, bakes, pastries and noodles to name a few. This flour is enriched and may be bleached or unbleached.  Enriched All-Purpose Flour has iron and B- vitamins (thiamine, niacin and riboflavin) added in amounts equal to or exceeding that in Whole Wheat Flour.  Bleached Enriched All-Purpose Flour is treated with chlorine to mature the flour and condition the gluten, improving the baking quality. The chlorine evaporates and does not destroy the nutrients.  It also reduces the risk of spoilage or contamination.  Unbleached All-Purpose Flour is bleached by oxygen in the air during an aging process and is off-white in colour.  Nutritionally, bleached and unbleached are equivalent.

Premyum Whole Wheat Flour

Whole Wheat flour is a coarse-textured flour ground from the entire wheat kernel.  It contains the bran, germ and endosperm. The presence of bran reduces gluten development.  Baked products made from whole wheat flour tend to be heavier and denser than those made from white flour. Whole Wheat Flour is rich in B-complex vitamins, vitamin E, fat, protein, and contains more trace minerals and dietary fibre than white flour. In most recipes, whole wheat flour can be mixed with half and half with white flour for a satisfactory product.   Graham Flour is another term for Whole Wheat Flour.

Premyum Soybean Oil

Soyabean Oil is a vegetable oil that is extracted from soybeans, which are scientifically known as Glycine Max. It is one of the most widely used vegetable oils in the world, possibly because soybeans are some of the most widely cultivated and utilized plants, particularly in recent decades. Soybean is native to East Asia and is considered a legume, however, despite its limited origin; it is highly prized for its edibility. Most soybean oils are refined, blended, and sometimes hydrogenated and it can be graded into different levels and strengths depending on the desired application.

Premyum Soybean Oil is considered healthier than most other vegetable oils, due to the presence of a good variety of essential fatty acids in it, which the body needs in order to remain healthy. There are also a number of plant sterols in soybean oil, which can have a wide variety of health benefits on people who regularly include soybean oil in their diet. The vitamin and mineral content of soybean is what gives this delicious and widely useful legume its fame.

The health benefits of Premyum Soybean Oil include its ability to improve your heart health, lower your cholesterol, improve your immune system, reduce cognitive disorders, prevent osteoporosis, and improve growth, while also boosting eye and skin health.

Premyum Whole Kernel Corn

The sweetest, most nutritious corn grows best in environments like Kanchanaburi. Located in the west of Thailand, where temperatures are hot during the day and cool in the evenings. Premyum Corn is being harvested at optimal ripeness to provide consistent premium quality, colour, size and flavour. So, customers can be sure to have this sweet and delicious product with any meal or just by itself. Its firm texture makes it ideal for cooking with or into other foods.